Wednesday 30 January 2013

Further Logo Development

So after the feedback I recieved below I did some further work on the logos people chose and my personal favourite. Adding rounded corners, adjusting line weights and putting them into containers gave me a whole new set of logos.

Here are the new set of logos:

Number 1 and 2 are a variation of number 7 from the last post whch people seemed to like, I definitely think the rounded corners help the logo seem friendlier and easier on the eye (yes, Aaron Draplin is a boss), although i'm not a fan of the negative space which helps define the letter R.

Number 5 and 6 are also a variation of number 7 but I think i've executed the design way better, the R looks a lot nice and the rounded corners are very appealing to me, I prefer number 5 though, the offset of the R adds an interesting composition inside the logo.

Number 3 and 4 are a variation of number 8 from the last post, I think the tracking of the 'letters' fits together better, not so much blank space.

Number 7 and 8 are also a variation of number 8 from the last post, I think the circular container and the thin line weight give it a really nice professional look.

Number 9 I didn't alter from the first version, this was my favourite as the motion in the letters really reflected the way I draw, I think it's the most 'fun' logo.

Overall I am torn between 5, 8 and 9, some reflect me as a designer more than others but don't look as aesthetically pleasing, as James pointed out in the feedback from Facebook, the R could look like a P in number 8, I tried fixing this but I felt it took away from the logo, I think the majority of people saw an R first though.

After some general feedback from people on Facebook it seems number 2 is the favourite, but as someone pointed out number 3 is more artistic, which I agree with, I think it fits better with what I want to do as a designer, which is illustration, but number 2 can be altered in more ways to fit for example the series I might do in future, I could change the black to a pattern or painting and it would still work as a logo, which may not be possible with number 3.

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