Tuesday 5 February 2013

Colour Choices

There is a lot of thought that gets put into the colour schemes we see in every day life, as there is a lot of underlying psychology and messages that get sent with certain colours, for instance red could be hot, love or blood, all different messages that are sent by one colour, a quick google search lead me to this site:


Which states the most common properties of colours we see, combining this with colour theory we can make attractive colour ways to use in design, below I have looked at a few possible options for the outer design for my packaging, as this is the first thing my audience will see I want to set a good first impression, by not using garish colours that aren't nice to look at.

Overall I think i've done a pretty good job, I did 4 individual colour ways and then experimented by swapping them around with each other, the one's I like most are number 1 and 2 even though orange could be a risky colour choice as it's a love or hate colour.

I want to send a message of reliability and warmth in my package, making it friendly to the audience.

After applying these colours to my packaging they didn't work too well, the difference in values is too much and make them look too bright, I came up with a totally different set of colours for the outside that link to the illustrations inside, a hazel colour for a wooden look and then black for the logo.

This is pretty simple but I think it works well overall.

A good site I came across that people submit colour palettes to is http://www.colourlovers.com/ could be good for future use :)

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